Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Does language play roles of equal importance in different areas of knowledge?

Language, understand as the way we communicate (send, receive & understand information), plays a really important role for knowledge, because it is one of the main ways in which we acquire it about the world, but, does it play roles of equal importance in all the areas of knowledge?

A big part of the “knowledge” that we have of the world now, is an accumulation of all the knowledge our ancestors have found, experimented and studied. We can still make use of it, because thanks to language, it has been passing from generation to generation, in the form of books, videos, etc. If there were no language, we would have to learn everything about the world by ourselves; schools probably wouldn’t exist, because teachers make use of language to teach us, so there wouldn’t be a point in having 20 people sitting in one classroom when they can’t communicate to each other.

Consequently, if language disappears, it will affect all the areas of knowledge in a huge way, because it has vital importance for them. Let’s think of an example. To study history, you need to have either a book with historical information or a person with knowledge about it; in both options you need language to learn, and since most of all the things in history were done before you were born, there’s no way to study it without other’s people knowledge. We can think of math as well. It would be rally hard for one person to find out what humanity has found out in centuries of studies, so language is fundamental in this area as well.

I think language is elemental for all the different areas of knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. You need to change the time on this blog. I know you posted this at about 1 am but the timer only shows 4.25 pm.

    Be proud that you work late!

